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restylane vs juvederm

Dermal Filler

In the world of non-surgical cosmetic enhancements, Restylane and Juvederm are two very effective treatment options. Both are hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers, and while they share some similarities, they also have distinct characteristics that set them apart. If you’re contemplating a treatment to address wrinkles, enhance your lips, or rejuvenate your skin, it’s essential to understand the differences between Restylane and Juvederm.

In this article, we’ll explore the differences between these two popular dermal fillers, helping you make an informed decision about which one may be right for you.

Restylane: The Granular Option

What Is Restylane?

Restylane is versatile and effective. Made with hyaluronic acid, a natural substance found in our skin, Restylane is a safe and well-tolerated choice for facial rejuvenation. It can address various concerns, including fine lines, wrinkles, and volume loss.

Key Features of Restylane

  1. Granular Texture: Restylane stands out with its granular texture, making it an excellent option for precision work. It’s often used for lip enhancements, nasolabial folds (smile lines), and marionette lines. 
  2. Natural Results: This dermal filler is known for delivering natural-looking results with minimal downtime.

Juvederm: A Smooth Solution

What Is Juvederm?

Juvederm, like Restylane, is a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler. However, it distinguishes itself with its texture and application.

Key Features of Restylane

  1. Smooth, Gel-Like Texture: Juvederm boasts a smooth, gel-like texture, making it ideal for larger treatment areas and overall facial volume restoration. It’s commonly used to target smile lines, marionette lines, and cheek hollows.
  2. Natural Feel: Thanks to its gel-like consistency, Juvederm provides a smoother and more natural feel, which is essential for subtle enhancements.

Choosing Between Restylane and Juvederm

The decision between Restylane and Juvederm depends on your aesthetic goals and preferences.

  • Precision vs. Versatility: If you require precision work, Restylane’s granular texture is ideal. On the other hand, Juvederm’s smooth consistency offers versatility for broader facial applications.
  • Naturalness: Both options provide natural-looking results, but Juvederm’s gel-like texture offers an edge in terms of a smoother and more natural feel.
  • Cost: While prices may vary, Juvederm tends to be slightly more expensive than Restylane.
  • Duration of Results: Typically, results from both fillers last from six months to a year, although individual experiences may vary.
  • Risk Factors: Common side effects include swelling, bruising, and temporary redness at the injection site. Serious complications are rare but can occur, so it’s crucial to consult with a qualified provider.
  • Combination Treatments: In some cases, a combination of both fillers may be recommended to achieve optimal results in different facial areas.

Your choice between these two exceptional fillers should align with your unique aesthetic objectives. It is best to schedule a consultation with our expert practitioners at Marin Aesthetics to discover the ideal solution for your rejuvenation goals.


Q1: How do Restylane and Juvederm compare in terms of cost?

Juvederm is generally slightly more expensive than Restylane, but prices can vary depending on your provider.

Q2: How long do the results of these dermal fillers last?

The longevity of results varies depending on the individual and the specific product used. Typically, results can last anywhere from six months to two years.

Q3: Are dermal filler injections painful?

Most patients report minimal discomfort during dermal filler injections. The products often contain a local anesthetic to enhance comfort during the procedure.

Q4: Can I combine Restylane and Juvederm treatments?

Yes, in some cases, combining both Restylane and Juvederm can provide comprehensive facial rejuvenation, addressing various concerns simultaneously.

*The content in this blog is developed to spread the awareness towards plastic surgery. Our blog is not intended to serve as a replacement for an actual in-office consultation with Dr. Marin. As such, the information within this blog reflects the unique cases of our individual patients.

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In light of the state wide restrictions on non-essential businesses to help reduce the spread of COVID-19, we are rescheduling all of our elective appointments until the global circumstances improve. Our necessary post-operative appointments will be made, as needed, to address immediate surgical concerns such as suture removal and acute postoperative issues. All non-acute follow up appointments, fillers and Botox will need to be postponed until after the quarantine period mid April. Our office will reach out to all patients who need to be rescheduled.

We will be offering new patient virtual consultations online and via Skype that can be scheduled through our website or by emailing Also, we will offer follow-up appointments in the same manner to help manage our patients’ concerns while still respecting the need for social distancing.

We appreciate all of your understanding during these difficult times for all of us.

Stay safe,

Dr. Main and the Marin Aesthetics Team